From Intern to Full Time: Apurva Sharma, Technical Analyst II at Varicent

1. Can you sum up your co-op experience at Varicent?

My time at Varicent was incredibly dynamic and enlightening. I really felt like a key part of the team, taking on my own projects and getting a real hands-on feel for SaaS and Agile practices. It wasn’t just about learning the fundamentals, I had the chance to dive deep into collaboration techniques, working closely with engineering teams. Plus, the opportunity to shadow the teams I hope to grow into someday gave me a great glimpse into my potential future. It was a fantastic learning journey that’s really geared me up for my career ahead.

2. What were the driving factors for your return?

One of the biggest reasons I decided to come back was the amazing group of analysts I’d be working with again. On top of that, knowing I have job security gives me peace of mind, and the opportunities for growth keep me excited about what’s ahead. Plus, the competitive pay is definitely a positive. All these factors together just made returning feel like the right move for me. 

3. What tips or advice would you share with current students and interns?

My biggest piece of advice to current students and interns is to embrace the learning process, even when it feels overwhelming. Remember, it’s perfectly okay to feel a bit out of your depth when tackling new challenges, just keep pushing forward and stay curious. Don’t hesitate to ask questions or make mistakes. Also, take the time to build strong relationships with your colleagues. The analysts I’ve worked with were fantastic, and having good relationships can really enhance your work experience. You’ll be amazed at how much you grow in just a few months.