
Part I: Inflation-proof strategies for mitigating macroeconomic threats to revenue

In today's ever-changing economic landscape, businesses face financial headwinds that can significantly impact their revenue streams. One of the biggest threats is inflation and fluctuating interest rates and the ripple effects on the broader economy. In this video, Varicent and KPMG delve into the world of inflation-proof strategies that revenue leaders can adopt to safeguard their revenue to drive growth amidst macroeconomic uncertainties.
Problem: revenue is top priority; and it’s threated by macroeconomic uncertainties; how do revenue leaders identify what investments to make to focus their sales teams’ efforts to deliver cost-effective outcomes?
  • Consider new ways to motivate broader GTM teams to align to corporate objectives – variable pay for non-sales employees is a current trend to achieve this.
  • In a volatile market, historical data is not as relevant as it once was; combine internal assessments with predictive insights to focus sellers’ efforts on accounts and deals with the highest potential.
  • Planning and managing GTM strategy should be done in a single location to consolidate data and improve ability to make agile adjustments throughout the year.